Thursday, November 27, 2008

uTorrent finally runs on Apple systems!!!

Download uTorrent

After almost a year the most popular torrent client of all times is available for mac users. The beta version appears to be very stable and speedy as well. With 3.9 MB footprint is almost the same size as Transmission, its biggest competitor. After total absence of uTorrent on mac systems, Transmission became the most beloved torrent client on mac. Because of its *unix compatibility you can find it on every new Ubuntu release. uTorrent has one big advantage over Transmission -it belongs to BitTorrent INC, but we'll see how many mac users will switch...

Just in case you want to download Transmission, click on the picture:)

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You are probably looking for a working copy of Tiger or Leopard, ready to install on a "white box" pc. I can't give you a link to download it, so please don't even ask for it. This blog will inform you about working versions of OSX86. You have to find a copy yourself. (try some popular torrent sites)