Do I want to do this again??? seriously ask yourself this question!
OSX Lion is like Snow Lepard with some iOS inspired UI's which only work when you have iOS style input device: trackpad! This time around I will wait very long to see the reason to upgrade my hardware. As far I'm concerned all components are 64bits now (that's why 32Bit Intel CPU's arent supported) but that's not a big enough reason for me to upgrade. I feel like Lion is more of a Snow Lion (Leopard ehh) version for Apple's laptops. I see no use for MagicTrackpad on a Desktop. Hearing stories how the MagicTrackpad is way better than mouse, I have to ask myself: really??? . But seriously, trackpad was invented because of mobility and space requirements, I won't use 3x3 space to move mouse on 24 inch screen when I have loads of space on my desk. Is Apple trying to drive sales of MagicMouse and Trackpad? How are they selling anyway? People I know bought it first day when it was available and returned it day after. Reason? They were holding it the wrong way thus their hands felt tired just few minutes after working with it. Thinking of Lion as a small update to snow leopard apple will have to release 64bit safari for, as it incuded TRIM in 10.6.8 recently. Enough of my though, let's prepare for update:
Our good friends at insanelymac.com report some progress on osx lion. This blog will list all problems and solutions you might encounter:
The big hope is voltron, project started by nawcom and suported by prasys, go check it out.
1. Intel CPU at the moment only Intel cpus will work on hackintoshes, AMD users will have to wait for patched kernel and other fixes.
CPU: Intel (From Core2Duo and newer)
2. Bootloader/DSDT
Known projects:
iBoot from tonymacx86
voltron from mawcom
Chameleon (maybe?) new versions will be announced
3. Internet connection. Some sites report you will need to have compatible (out of the box) wireless card prior to installation as it is required to install lion.
Wireless Card/Internet Connection: none
Workaround: OOB wireless card, supposedly any snow leopard compatible wireless card will work.