Saturday, January 3, 2009

OSX Live DVD - Finally!

The idea was simple - bootable DVD with OS X on it - but it took years (as I'm aware of about two) to make it possible. There isn't any .iso ready to download yet, but as soon all the sand will fall down somebody will make one:) spartango posted on insanely that the method found to boot OS X out of a DVD will work for USB drives too! Normal LiveCD/DVDs are almost fully functional systems weighting quite a lot: Slax 190mb, Damn Small Linux (very usable, saved my life twice) 50mb, optical drives are killing the usability and speed. Things change when we talk about usb devices. Imagine normal boot times and the same usability only without the need to install it before...
More on OSXLiveDVD

>>Update: iPortable - osx86 on USB Stick<<
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You are probably looking for a working copy of Tiger or Leopard, ready to install on a "white box" pc. I can't give you a link to download it, so please don't even ask for it. This blog will inform you about working versions of OSX86. You have to find a copy yourself. (try some popular torrent sites)